
Jan-Robin Aumann

Platform Engineer
anynines GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany

Development skills

Web backend, CLI and systems programming in Go

Backend web development in NodeJS with TypeScript

Containerization and Orchestration with Docker and Kubernetes

Source control with Git

Systems programming in C++/C

CLI and Systems programming in Rust

API design and testing with tools like OpenAPI/Swagger/Postman/...

Frontend web development with HTML/CSS


Englisch (fluent in both writing and speaking, including technical language)

French (sufficent knowledge in writing, basic knowledge in speaking)


Soft skills

Project management, Intercultural communication, Scientific writing, Documentation

   Work Experience

  • Platform Engineer - Fulltime
    anynines GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany | October 2024 - Present
  • Corporate Student - Platform Engineer
    anynines GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany | June 2023 - October 2024
    • brought back and helped maintain the stratos project
    • maintained internal infrastructure projects written in Ruby/Rails
    • masters thesis in cooperation with company about the collecction of billing metrics on kubernetes
  • Corporate Student - Backend development
    consistec GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany | September 2021 - June 2023
    Backend development on the caplon network monitoring team
    • developing a grpc API to visualize data from caplon VoIP and NSM in grafana
    • creating a pipeline to structure and process various log files on caplon appliances
    • integrating suricata IDS into caplon via IPC interface
  • Corporate Student - Backend development
    KrämerIT Solutions GmbH/ServerEye, Eppelborn, Germany | July 2019 - August 2021
    Backend development for the ServerEye product
    • Design, Implementation and Integration of a simple yet powerful, human readable query language in ANTLR with TypeScript
    • Overhaul and redesign of the core business API from a monolithic design to a microservice architecture with moleculerJS and Typescript
    • Development of a grafana plugin integrating the monitoring API, done with React and Typescript
  • Junior Software developer - Natural language processing team
    IBM Research and Development, Almaden Valley (San José), California, USA | June 2018 - September 2018
    Research project on construction of conversational interfaces for a BI use case
    • Generating a conversational interface from a BI Ontology using IBM natural language APIs, developed in Javascript with NodeJS
    • Documenting the project meticulously in a 26 page scientific report submitted to the university for grading (final grade 1,4)
  • Junior Software developer - Blockchain garage Böblingen
    IBM Research and Development, Stuttgart, Germany | November 2017 - Febuary 2018
    Development of a blockchain prototype in a workshop with a customer from the finance sector
    • Initial development of a prototype within 3 days with smart contracts (go) and a web interface (React/TypeScript/NodeJS)
    • Continued development of the prototype into a minimum viable product in two weeks
    • Integration of the MVP at the customers offices
    • Public talk on the topic of agile blockchain development of an MVP at the IHK Stuttgart
    • Documentation of the results in a 30 page scientific report submitted at the univeristy for grading (final grade 1,4)
  • Junior Software developer - 2nd Level Support
    IBM Research and Development, Stuttgart, Germany | September 2016 - May 2017
    Development of a blockchain prototype in a workshop with a customer from the finance sector
    • Supporting the 2nd level support engineers in their work by developing small utilities for automating/simplifying their day to day tasks in C# and Java
    • Documentation of the results in a 25 page scientific report submitted at the univeristy for grading (final grade "passed")


  • htw saar
    Masters, Practical computer science | April, 2023 - December 2024
    Final grade: 1.6

  • Saarland University
    Bachelors, Media and Computer science | 2018-2022
    Final grade: 2.5

  • DHBW Stuttgart
    Bachelors (incomplete), Applied computer science | 2016-2018

  • Gymnasium Johanneum Homburg
    Abitur/High School diploma | 2011-2016
    Final grade: 1.9 (666/900)